Corporate Development & Acquisitions

Want to expand into a new market or geography?

We assist companies by capturing value opportunities and accelerating growth through (cross-border) M&A transactions.

Our services have enabled clients to strengthen their competitive positions across geographies and market segments.

We provide support in areas such as:

  • Growth and market entry strategies
  • Sourcing/pipeline development and target identification
  • Strategic partnership negotiations (joint ventures, alliances, etc.)
  • Capital restructuring advisory
  • Corporate development and restructurings

Whether you’re trying to gain a foothold in a market or are looking for strategic partnerships, Cap Expand Partners has the expertise and resources to help you find the perfect solution for your corporate development strategy. 

Receive a market assessment with a detailed analysis that will help guide your decision-making to maximize growth and meet your goals.

In addition, we offer buy-side support by:

  • Identifying and evaluating specific opportunities
  • Assessing potential targets
  • Leading negotiations through final contract signing
  • Raising capital to fund acquisitions

Ready to start discussing your strategy? Contact us directly.